How a Good Website Leads to a Sale


November, 2016

Web Design
Online Marketing

Having a great website is like having an amazing salesperson on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is crucial in today’s society where everything can and is done through the amazing power of the world wide web.

If you haven’t yet considered how a website could be beneficial to your business, you’ve come to the right place. In this short article I am going to outline two key functions a good website will be able to perform for your business, why a professionally designed website should form the central hub of your marketing strategy, both online and offline.

Your website provides critical information.

Customers may come to your website via several sources. They may come from a link you shared on social media or they may be directed to your site through receiving a business card or flyer. The important thing is that something has encouraged them to seek out more information about your business, and most of the time your website is the final point of contact a person will have before either contacting you or moving on to one of your competitors. This is where your site has its first task: provide the crucial information upfront, and leave the not so important stuff deeper in the site. Who you are, what you do, and how to buy. These points should be clearly and instantly visible on your site.  Other information such as in depth specs and product datasheets can be listed on seperate product/service pages.

Your landing page needs to be loud and clear, not cluttered and confusing.

Your website needs to form the central hub of your marketing efforts, both online and offline.

Your website must make an offer to the user

The average web user browses a page extremely quickly, which is why the basic information needs to be impactful and highly visible. Think of it as the equivalent of a product being eye level at a supermarket.  You want the important stuff to stand out, and you want to create an eye catching offer to inspire action. Think of features such as a contact form or a call to action such as “Call Now” button, or a “Book a Free Consultation” link. These are highly effective methods to inspire a user to take action, and is the first step towards turning a user into a lead, and a lead into a customer.

The best thing about online marketing is that each and every single interaction a user has with your site is trackable, which allows for every aspect of your website to be tweaked and adjusted to maximize your conversion rate and lower your overall advertising spend. If your site isn’t living up to the task of 24/7 salesperson extraordinaire, maybe its time to invest in a new website.

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